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How to Suspend Bookers Who Regularly Miss Events

The Suspension feature enables Admins to suspend Users from booking further upcoming events or signing up to a waitlist for a period of time if they frequently do not attend events. 

Admins can set specific criteria for suspension eligibility at the branch-level, including number of event days missed within a specified timeframe and the suspension length. Admins can opt for Users to be automatically suspended, or simply marked as ‘Suspendable’ for review and potential manual suspension. 

The Suspension feature was developed to provide Admins with a deterrent for missing events, with the overall aim of increasing event attendance. This is particularly helpful for membership based organisations or those who offer free tickets. 

Actioning it is fourfold: enabling suspension email templates; setting suspension criteria; viewing the suspension list; and manually suspending Bookers.

How Enable the Suspension Email Templates

During the Suspension process, Users may receive a variety of emails from the system and as such, it is important to review email copy ahead of utilising the Suspensions functionality.

Warning Email (event/missed) – an email to warn Users they will be eligible for suspension or a ‘Temporary Booking Freeze’ if they continue to no-show.

User Suspended (user/suspended) – an email to inform the User they have been suspended from booking events for a period of time.

Suspension Changed (user/suspensionChanged) – an email to inform the User their suspension has changed.

Suspension Ended (user/suspensionEnded) – an email to inform the User their suspension period has ended.

To edit Email Templates, please follow the below steps or read this guide for detailed information.

  1. Select Admin from the header tabs.
  2. Select Email Templates from the drop-down menu.
  3. Navigate to the respective template.
  4. Select Edit from the right hand side.
  5. Edit the details accordingly.
  6. Ensure to Review, Save & Close.

How to Set Suspension Criteria

Suspension rules are set at the branch level, meaning only members from the specified branch will be suspended if they miss an event. Members from other branches or public users are not affected by these rules. Members from other branches will receive a “missed event” email to inform them of the absence; however, it will not currently count towards their missed event tally.

Suspension criteria are configured per member type, allowing for different suspension rules across various membership categories. To send emails to members outside of the current branch, a suspension rule needs to be established for that user type.

To set the rules:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to System>Branches from the header menu
  3. Select Branches
  4. Navigate to the Actions Menu in the left hand column,
  5. Select Edit on the respective Branch.  
  6. Navigate to the Suspension section.
  7. Edit the first row in the table to set the first rule b selecting the following options:
  • Select the Member Type – the rule set will apply to this member type. Selecting ALL will create a rule for all member types which do not already have a rule in the table
  • Event Days Missed – input the number of event days the User has to miss to be eligible for suspension. Please note, this does not refer to the number of events, but the number of days e.g. if a User misses two events in one day, this will count as ‘1’ day missed.
  • Within How Many Days – input the number of days the above criteria is applied to. 
  • Default Suspension Length (Days) – input the number of days the User will be suspended for. 
  • Automatically Suspend Users who Meet the Criteria – select whether to automatically suspend the User, or not. If selected ‘No’, the User will be marked as ‘Suspendable’. Note that this will default to No for user types outside of the current branch.
  • Send a Warning Email when a User Misses an Event – select whether to send the User an automatic warning email if they miss an event. 
  • Suspended Users can Add themselves to Event Waitlists – select if the Users can add themselves to waitlists during a suspension period.

5. Review, and ensure to Save & Close

Note – this new suspension criteria will apply to any upcoming events or events that have not yet had the attendance confirmed. The action of Confirming Attendance on the Attendance page is what pulls the respective Users into potential suspension eligibility.

Viewing the Suspension List

To view all suspended Users or Users marked as suspendable, follow these steps –

  1. Select ‘Admin’ from the header tabs.
  2. Select ‘Suspensions’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. Opt to filter the table by Suspended or Suspendable, via the ‘Suspension’ column drop-down.
  • Suspendable – Users who match the Suspension criteria but were not automatically suspended as per the branch-level suspension criteria will be displayed here.
  • Suspended – Users who have automatically or manually been suspended in accordance with the suspension criteria will be displayed here.
  • Missed Event – Users who have missed some events, but not enough to be suspended or marked as suspendable.

The table will show the User’s details, such as: ID, User Type, First & Last Name, User Email and External Attributes. Additionally, it will display the following data relating to their suspension –

  • Suspension – number of Event days missed.
  • Event Names – the names of Events that were missed.
  • Event Start At – date and time of when the above Events began.
  • Who Didn’t Attend – number of User’s party that did not attend.
  • Ticket ID & Name – the ticket ID and name of the User’s party who did not attend.

Manually Suspending and Unsuspending Users

Circumstances may arise where Admins need to manually suspend Users who have been flagged as suspendable.

  1. On the Suspensions page, navigate to the Actions Menu on the left hand side of the table.
  2. Select ‘Suspend’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. A pop-up will appear – input the reason for suspension and the date the User should be suspended until.
  4. The newly suspended User can be viewed by selecting ‘Suspended’ from the ‘Suspension’ drop-down list above.
  5. Under the ‘Suspended’ filter, Admins can view when a User’s suspension is due to end in the Suspension column.

Note – Suspensions will be logged in a User’s activity log.

To unsuspend a User early, follow these steps –

  1. Filter by Suspended, on the Suspension page.
  2. Navigate to the Actions Menu on the left hand side of the table.
  3. Select ‘Edit’ from the drop-down menu.
  4. Navigate to the Suspension section of the page.
  5. Edit the ‘Suspended Until’ date into a date in the past.
  6. Input a reason, and Save.
  7. Ensure the User is now removed from the Suspended list.

Suspension Rules

The following points count as one ‘strike’ or Event Day missed, and will count towards the suspension parameters set.

  • If a booker or their guest miss an event.
  • If a booker and all their guests miss an event.
  • If a booker or their guest miss multiple events in one day.
  • If a booker and all their guests miss multiple events in one day.

The following points should be taken into consideration when viewing the Suspension list.

  • Public users are not included.
  • Cancelled tickets do not count towards suspension eligibility.