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How to Create, Edit and Apply Terms & Conditions

The Events system enables Admins to create Terms & Conditions that must be agreed upon to book and attend an event. These can be applied at the Branch, Venue, Auditoria and Event level. 

Users are required to confirm applicable T&Cs during the booking flow and cannot proceed to purchasing tickets without doing so.

  • Branch – if applied at the Branch level, this T&C will appear on every event created within the Branch. 
  • Venue – if applied at the Venue level, this T&C will appear on any event taking place at the respective Venue. 
  • Auditoria – if applied at the Auditoria level, this T&C will appear on any event taking place in the respective Auditoria. 
  • Event – if applied at the Event level, this T&C will appear on the respective event.

How to Create Terms & Conditions

Before applying T&Cs to a specific level, Admins must first create them.

  1. Select ‘Admin’ from the header tabs.
  2. Select ‘T&Cs’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the ‘Add’ button from either the top right hand side, or below the table.
  4. Begin to input the T&C’s details:
  • Applies To – select what level this new T&C will apply to (Branch, Venue, Auditoria or Event).
  • Internal Name – input the T&C’s internal name, to display to Admins.
  • Summary – input a short headline summary of the T&C.
  • Full Text – input the full T&C text.
  • Apply T&Cs to Users – select a specific User Type from the drop-down menu and input specific T&C text that applies to the respective User Type, if applicable.

5. Review, and ensure to Save & Close.

Tip – Admins can utilise the WYSIWYG editor in the text fields to format the T&Cs accordingly.

How to Edit and Delete T&Cs

An organisation’s Terms and Conditions may need to be updated over time when new information or legislation is released. To edit an existing T&C, follow these steps –

  1. Select ‘Admin’ from the header tabs.
  2. Select ‘T&Cs’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. Navigate to the Actions Menu on the respective T&C that requires updating.
  4. Select ‘Edit’ from the drop-down menu.
  5. Update the relevant fields.
  6. Review, and ensure to Save & Close.

Note – once changed on the Admin site, the T&C will now be updated where applicable on the Booker Interface.

If a T&C is no longer relevant or required, follow the above steps but select ‘Delete’ from the drop-down menu. Admins will need to confirm the deletion by typing ‘I Am Sure’, to permanently remove the T&C from the Admin site and Booker Interface – the T&C cannot be retrieved once deleted.

How to Apply T&Cs

Once T&Cs have been created, Admins can utilise them throughout the Event creation process.

Branch Level – Admins can opt to apply any T&Cs marked as applying to Branches through editing the Branch details. Note, once a T&C has been applied at the Branch level it will automatically be present on every event.

Venue Level – Admins can opt to apply any T&Cs marked as applying to Venues when creating or editing a Venue.

Auditoria Level – Admins can opt to apply any T&Cs marked as applying to Auditoria when creating or editing an Auditorium.

Event Level – Admins can opt to apply any T&Cs marked as applying to Events when creating or editing an Event.

When a User moves through the booking flow, they will be required to consent to and acknowledge the relevant T&Cs applied before being able to proceed to checkout stage. This can assist venue staff and Admins to encourage attendees to follow required behaviour, dress code or policies.

Tip – if a T&C is unexpectedly applied to an event, check the Branch settings to see it has been blanket applied there.